Sunday, September 16, 2007

Following the food theme... "Waiter, there's an octopus in my soup..."

Yah, so I ordered pork and noodle soup for lunch today and this little fellow was hiding in it! Maybe octopus are a garnish over here like parsley would be in the UK...? Anyway, down the hatch it went.

This was washed down with some sugar cane juice, freshly squeezed from a stall across the street. I'd often wondered what the ladies selling ground up plants were up to, but it tastes really good. Probably contains the same calorific value as a small rhinoceros though, and I'm sure I heard my dentist going apoplectic somewhere in Partick. Ho hum.

The school switches timetable tomorrow, so effectively I start working full time. Looking forward to it, but I think it's going to be busy. Also, Khmer lesson no.2 tomorrow afternoon! Allegedy, my teacher shouts at you if you don't remember all you 'learned' last time - I'd better go and do some revision!

Oh, one of the school staff, a scottish lady called Susan, has been airlifted to Bangkok with Dengue. Prayer for her and her family would be good.


Frassle said...

So typical of you Dave, some little squid's just minding his own busniess wandering along when he slips and falls into your food. And what do you do? Try to save him? Noooooo... You guzzle him down - did you even pause to think about his family?

dave.t said...

Fraser, you should show no mercy to squid... have you never seen "It Came From the Deep" or, for that matter, Spongebob Squarepants? Squid. Evil.