Sunday, September 9, 2007

Of dead trees and thankfully not dead cambodians

Took this outside Sarah and Pola Chin's house on sunday morning. These local dudes were busy dismantling a very dead mango tree that was threatening to collapse onto their house. Needless to say, there were no ropes involved and climbing a dead tree isn't exactly the safest thing to do of a sweltering sunday morning. I watched as one guy broke the branch he was standing on, made a desperate lurch for the trunk of the tree, wrap his arms around it, and slide very painfully to the ground. Health and safety???

I took a trip to the russian market in the afternoon. Psar Tuol Tompong is an amazing place, fairly bewildering until you crack it. Bartering is fun and a good challenge for my language skills (skills??), although I think it's important to remember the comparitive poverty of the sellers and the most things are very much cheaper than the UK anyway. E.g I bought a North Face backpack that in the UK costs £60... I got it (dodgy zips included) for $12. I probably could have got down to $11 but while a dollar is relatively little money to me, it goes a long way for the average Cambodian.

1 comment:

SAO Youth Team '07 said...

Oh no!! not the dodgy zips- what were you thinking!